Snap Shots

Snap Shots
Champions of Say: Mobilising Local Knowledge to Prevent Violent Extremism
April 5 2023
Snap shots
On a quiet evening in the small town of Say in the Tillabéri region in Niger, a few members of the community gather in the sandy courtyard of the "Centre
Les Champions de Say : mobiliser le savoir local pour prévenir l’extrémisme violent
April 5 2023
Snap shots
Par une calme soirée dans la petite ville de Say de la région de Tillabéri au Niger, une poignée de membres de la communauté se réunissent dans la cour sablonneuse
Honing digital skills of youth in partnership with private sector
July 5 2022
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Aisha, a young woman from Nigeria, finds computer tasks like creating an excel spreadsheet or sending an email to be difficult. She is one among the 64 million young population
Rediscovering Childhood in Albania After Camps in Syria
June 7 2022
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The little girl in frilly white socks speaks confidently into the microphone as her classmates stand behind her on stage.
Meet Our Team
May 2 2022
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For more than 20 years, GCERF Grant Finance Specialist Julien Montoux, has worked to redress the inequality he first witnessed up close in Guatemala.
What struck the French social sciences student
Counselling children returning from conflicts abroad: A frontline worker’s perspective
April 21 2022
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A.T.* is a clinical psychologist who counsels families returning to Albania from conflict zones, particularly from refugee camps in northeast Syria.

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