Returnees from conflicts abroad also known as Returning Foreign Terrorist Fighters (RFTFs) are the predominant manifestation of violent extremism in the Western Balkans. Countries in the Western Balkans have had some of the highest number of returnees per capita in the world. Individuals who travelled, and in some cases fought in Syria and Iraq had various motives, usually a mix of personal drivers and justifying ideological objectives.  Lack of employment, poverty, and low levels of education further contribute to vulnerability to violent extremism in the Western Balkans.

In North Macedonia four men, five women and 14 children were returned. Following the initial investigation, four men were charged with crimes and detained. The women and children have started their rehabilitation and reintegration process coordinated by the National Committee for Countering Violent Extremism and Countering Terrorism.

Our grant portfolio aims to provide reintegration, rehabilitation, and resocialisation (RRR) support to returnees and their families, while working to strengthen the capacity of frontline workers and nurture an enabling environment for RRR throughout the country.  


The programmes in North Macedonia aim to:

  • build capacity and coordination among state and non-state actors in the reintegration, rehabilitation and resocialisation (RRR) process and P/CVE.
  • support returnees and vulnerable families in the receiving community in the reintegration and resocialization process.
  • raise awareness on P/CVE and RRR and reduce stigmatisation of RFTFs and their families.

This will be achieved through activities such as:

  • psychosocial support for returnees, their families, and vulnerable families in the receiving communities.
  • development of reintegration plans for RFTFs and their families.
  • trainings for national and local institutions, community leaders, teachers, NGOs, media actors, social workers, and psychologists.
  • reviewing existing research and policy and legal frameworks on P/CVE and RRR.
  • developing guidelines and standard operating procedures on P/CVE and RRR.
  • organising community events to raise awareness on P/CVE and RRR.
  • organising workshops and events for parents and students on community solidarity and critical thinking.
  • organising trust building dialogues between institutions and communities.


Total Grants


Active Grants


Civil Society Organisations

1.8M USD

Total Amount Committed



Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

Peace, Justice & Strong Institution

Peace, Justice & Strong Institution

No Poverty

Quality Education

Quality Education

Gender Equality

Gender Equality

Decent Work & Economic Growth

Decent Work & Economic Growth

Reduced Inequalities

Reduced Inequalities

Partnership for The Goals

Partnership for The Goals

These goals are based on those set forward in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nation Member States in 2015