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Become a GCERF grant recipient in Indonesia

Applications close:

11:59PM (CET) Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Indonesia is currently ranked 31st on the 2024 Global Terrorism Index. However, different types of violent extremism endure: international terrorism; a multi-generational militant Islamist movement; Indonesians fighting abroad.

In this context, the Government of Indonesia and the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF) have established a partnership to prevent further violent extremism in Indonesia. GCERF investment envisions supporting the resilience of West Nusa Tenggara, Central Sulawesi, and Jakarta (Handayani Rehabilitation Center) communities to violent extremist groups’ recruitment and radicalisation practices, by providing grants to Indonesian CSOs to prevent violent extremism, supporting rehabilitation and reintegration of people returning from conflict areas, supporting integration of people released from prison, and addressing online and offline radicalisation in formal and informal educational institutions. These interventions will contribute to building social cohesion and providing economic alternatives so that VE groups cannot exploit, radicalise and recruit.

GCERF is pleased to announce a call for expressions of interest for CSOs in Indonesia to become a Principal Recipient (PR) of GCERF funding. GCERF funds CSOs, either directly or in consortia, to implement initiatives aimed at preventing violent extremism. Consortium grants are managed by “Principal Recipients” (PRs) who are the legal recipients of GCERF funding and then disburse funds and provide support to “Sub-Recipients” (SRs). “Recipients” of GCERF funding include: “Principal Recipients” and “Sub-Recipients” in the context of a grant to a consortium, and “Direct Grantees” that receive funding from GCERF but do not lead a consortium.

The purpose of this Expression of Interest (EOI) is for applicants to demonstrate they meet GCERF’s prerequisites to receive funding and that they have sufficient technical, managerial and administrative experience to effectively implement a project that will seek to address the issues outlined in the detailed expressions of interest (below).

All Expressions of Interest must be duly filled and submitted electronically to call.indonesia@gcerf.org by 31 July 2024. The email should be marked as ‘EOI-Indonesia’ – in the subject line. Failing to comply might compromise your submission. Shortlisted applicants will be contacted to take part in a due diligence assessment.

Please note that we will be holding an information session on Monday, 8 July at 11:00 Geneva time, 16:00 Jakarta time. To register for this event, please contact call.indonesia@gcerf.org.

Please ensure that your application includes the following documents (you can find them below):

  • Completed Annex A – Application form
  • Completed Annex B – Theory of Change
  • Completed Annex C – Budget Outline
  • Last Audited financial reports for the years 2022 and 2023. (Audited reports only for the Consortium Lead organisation for those choosing to apply as a consortium.).

The application must be submitted in English. The annexes will be available only in English. However, you can find an unofficial translation of the EOI in Bahasa below for your reference. 


(i) Appropriate legal registration with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

(ii) Willingness to accept and fulfil the role of a Principal Recipient if applying in consortium.

Required Capabilities

(i) Established relationships and credibility with the communities and population groups identified in the proposed geographical locations.

(ii) Previous experience and current capacity in project design and management.

(iii) Previous experience and current capacity to manage and account for international donor funding.

(iv) Previous experience and current capacity to work within a consortium and/or managing sub-recipients – for those choosing to form a consortium.

(v) Previous experience and current capacity to deliver community-level initiatives that address the local drivers and strengthen resilience against violent extremism.